Generally there are a lot of types of steam shower units that exist right now and all of them have one thing alike : ease of installation. All of them require a level base for the unit to be stable and also to make sure proper drainage of the water. The front of the system, that’s typically the door, is the first wall you need to connect to the base. The system has the self-tapping screws or bolts that you will need for this task. Once you have this wall in place, you can go on and assemble the rest of the walls and connect them to the bottom.
Detailed instructions come along with all steam shower systems. Even if you’re the type of individual who does not read through directions, such directions are necessary since various makers require various unit installation procedures for various units. You cannot assume that since you assisted your neighbor set up this type of unit which the one you’ve got will require the same process. In a few models, you have to apply a layer of silicone all around the sides to seal the corners, while other models have rubber seals, that are already in place.
The moment you set up the walls of steam shower units, then you could put the top of the unit in position. Up to this time you may have noticed that the system is not as rigid and wasn’t as fixed as you desire, but once you have the top in place, you’ll be pleased with its sturdiness. The moment you make use of the sealant, if it’s needed, you must tighten all the nuts and mounting bolts and fasten all of the colored wires.
When installing steam shower systems in homes where the plumbing is already in place, you will not have a lot of difficulty connecting the water pipes. The systems are available with flexible hoses and water lines, however you need to make the hookups on the wall in which you are installing the system. The drain has to be installed beneath the unit. You might have to make some changes into the plumbing when renovating your bathroom that you have enlarged so as to make space for the shower and also the steam shower enclosure.
Steam room units must have their own specialized dedicated electrical circuit or if perhaps this is not possible, you must have the bathroom on its own circuit. Examine the ground fault circuit interrupter to make sure that it’s working correctly. If you don’t, you might encounter a number of problems when you start to use the steam system and you will need to make a few alterations in the wiring to prevent electric shock.
In addition to following the outlined directions for installing steam shower systems, you have to look at the way your bath room is ventilated. Ventilation is very important to avoid an accumulation of excessive moisture from a steam shower or hot tub which can cause dampness, which in turn can lead to mold, mildew as well as other architectural damage.
If you have any questions about steam showers and installation and rough in requirements for steam showers , then contact the knowledgeble people at EagoParts.com at 1-888-556-1912 where you can get the answers you need.
Submitted by: www.EagoParts.com
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