If you are thinking about adding a new bathroom it is always important to get familiar with the requirements of the project so that you create exactly the bathroom design you want. Continue reading to learn more about 3 tips for adding a new bathroom.

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Think About Quality
The cost of adding a new bathroom will vary according to the amount of work required to form walls, upgrade the floor and make alterations to services, such as plumbing and electrics. The most significant variable, however, will be the quality of the fixtures and fittings.
Good quality assumes:
- mid-range brand sanitary ware and taps
- branded tiles around the bath and basin
- task and ambient lighting
- a heated towel rail
- radiator or under floor heating
Excellent quality assumes:
- designer-range sanitary ware and taps
- tiled floors and walls
- stone vanity tops and bath surround
- a heated towel rail and under floor heating
- task, ambient and mood lighting.
Prices will usually be subject to VAT at 20 per cent. Source: RealHomesMagazine
Consider the Costs
Research shows that the national average cost for this project would be approximately $21,000, and would give you an 86% return on investment when you sell your home. If you wish a more upscale bathroom with many designer amenities, the price goes up accordingly, and return on investment drops. An upscale version of the above bathroom would also include such things as a neo-angled shower with tiled walls and glass closure. Added would be such things as custom drawer bases for vanities, with appropriate lighting and mirrors. The contractor would install a humidity-controlled exhaust fan. Dual sinks would be installed, and custom flooring put in place. Such preferences as a whirlpool tub, radiant floor heat, and even heated towel racks would be installed.
Because there are many features that are a personal preference in this build out, expect to pay approximately $40,000 for a bathroom of this type. Return on investment would be approximately $33,7000.00, or 81% of your initial investment. Source: DoItYourself
Other Considerations
If you want to put a new bathroom into a room not previously used as one, think about all the factors that could affect the house. It is not a good idea to install a bathroom above a room with fine plaster ceilings or painted decoration, as any leaks could have a disastrous effect. It’s best to choose a room without important features – e.g. fireplace, paneling or plasterwork – unless these can be kept undamaged.
It may be possible to cover historic surfaces with new linings so they are protected and can be uncovered in the future. But if your room has interesting features, display and use them – avoid a standard approach.
The new bathroom will need new plumbing to connect to the water supply, boiler and waste pipes. Think about where these pipes will run and make sure they won’t damage any important features or structure, such as plasterwork, beams or features in adjoining rooms. If new pipes and cabling are run under floorboards, take care lifting old boards and avoid cutting into beams. Source: HistoricEngland
Adding a new bathroom will not only makes your life a little easier, but it also boosts your property value. For more information, contact us now!
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